Comedy on campus

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To kick off the school year, UNBSJ enjoyed laughing it up with three of Canada’s great comedians.

Comedy Record’s Mark Debonis, K. Trevor Wilson and Nick Reynoldson are all comedians from the Toronto area. Debonis, who hails from Scarborough, Ontario, began doing stand up in 2008 and has won several awards, including the 2010 Canadian Comedy Award and the 2011 Great Canadian Laugh Off.

Wilson, a former child actor turned comedian, founded the comedy sketch group “Smells like the 80s,” and is the 2010 Toronto Comedy Brawl champion. Reynoldson, also from Scarborough, got into comedy at the age of 20 and has since preformed in many comedy shows such as The Nubian Show at Yuk Yuks, The Second City, and Absolute Comedy.

Comedy Records is the only record label in Canada that promotes and releases stand-up comedy. Located in Toronto, Ontario, they promote comedians from all over the country with live shows and album releases. The three comics enjoyed by UNBSJ, as well as many others signed by Comedy Records, have been touring Canada while performing at various universities and other venues.

The comedic guests were enjoyed by everyone involved in the event. “They talked to all of the students who were there before they started,” says Jen Brown, UNBSJ’s social director, “We went out to get something to eat afterwards and they were very nice to sit around and chat with. [They] were amazing!”

This was Brown’s first event of the year. As social director, she is responsible for planning all of the social activities on campus for the student council, “It was successful and I was very excited that everyone enjoyed it!”


Emily is in her fourth year of Political Science. She loves studying and academics which follows into her research work. She's a stern black coffee drinker and is a proud Acadienne. When she's not working or doing school work, you can find Emily listening to 70s music on vinyl and watching Parks and Recreation. If you ask her about parliamentary institutions, she won't stop talking.