Voting opened this Monday for your Students’ Representative Council by-elections.
Out of 12 candidates asking for your vote only four took the time and made the effort to let us (and you) know a little more about themselves. We will let you decide who will put in the effort to make your SRC and campus a better place.
If you haven’t voted yet, have a read, make a choice, and do it before Friday night.
(The text that follows has not been edited, opinions expressed are those solely of the candidates and not of the Baron.)
Business Representative and Athletics Representative candidates, did not submit answers
Candidates for Mature Representative
Lindsay Vautour
Program: Sport and Exercise Psychology
What you are going as for Halloween: Tinker-bell
Why are you running for mature rep?
I decided to run for mature representative, because I enjoy being involved in student politics. I had a position on the SRC in the previous year, and enjoyed my time. So I decided to run again, in the hopes that this year will be as great as last.
What do you think you bring to the SRC?
I bring experience and passion. I am very passionate about student issues, and I think being able to have a vote on student council is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. With my previous experience on student council, I feel that my opinion and thoughts are well educated, and I can add a well-informed opinion to the table.
What is your goal for council this year?
My goal is to build relationships throughout the year, by attending events, and volunteering my time to the students.
How did you find out about the by-election?
I found out about the by-election, by simply asking. I did not see any promotions about the by-election, so I took it upon myself and went to the SRC office and asked Jordan Tracey. I also knew about the by-election from previous years of being involved, and that the by-election is typically around this time.
The other candidate did not submit answers
Candidates for First Year Representative
Alexa Parks
Program: Bachelor of Arts
What you are going as for Halloween: Something spooky.
Why are you running for first year rep?
I would love to get involved with the school and it seems very fun.
What do you bring to the SRC?
I am organized, creative, and open minded.
What is your goal for the year on SRC?
To make sure everyone has a great school year.
How did you find out about the election?
I saw a post on the Facebook, accepted class group that the president posted.
If you had one wish and could change anything at UNBSJ what would it be?
I am freshly new to this school, and I feel that I do not have the ability to answer the question.
Kennedy Sherwood
Program: Bachelor of Arts
What you are going as for Halloween: 20s Style-The Great Gatsby (as Daisy Buchanan)
Why are you running for first year rep?
I decided to run for first year rep because of the countless times people have told me “The best way to enjoy your time at school is to get involved!”
What do you bring to the SRC?
I definitely bring energy, inspiration and new ideas to the SRC. I love meeting new people and I can’t wait to get out there and make people excited about their first year of university and more.
What is your goal for the year on SRC?
My goal for the year on SRC is to be able to say I had fun, learned about my university and peers, and got involved as much as I possibly could.
How did you find out about the election?
I found out about the election through a few of the SRC members who recommended that I run.
If you had one wish and could change anything at UNBSJ what would it be?
If I could change one thing about UNBSJ it would be to allow more electronics, such as laptops, in all of the classrooms. It would be a more effective way of taking notes and accessing them later, and it would minimize the struggle of carrying heavy binders and notebooks each day.
Benjamin Manzer
Program: Business
What you are going as for halloween: Have not decided yet! Possibly Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas.
Why are you running for first year rep?
I am running for first year rep for a couple reasons. I am running for this position because I really want to get involved in the school, the school life, the people, everything. I want to make the first year of university fun, welcoming, and just an overall great experience. In the first year of any large institution, it can be scary; it can even be hard making a few friends especially when you are not in residence. I want to make that easier for people. I want everyone to be able to voice their opinion and be heard. I am a very approachable and social person and essentially, I just want everyone to be able to feel comfortable with someone who can represent them.
What do you bring to the SRC?
I bring the SRC a multitude of qualities. Firstly and most importantly, I am a people person. I am very social, kind, and I love to get involved in day to day campus life, and I have a lot of school spirit. Im organized, smart, energetic, and I get things done. Im also a team player, and I’m willing to volunteer as much of my time as I can to be able to help out the SRC with anything.
What is your goal for the year on SRC?
My goal for the year on the SRC is to make sure every single person has the best first year ever. This goal can be achieved through getting involved and getting others involved, help people get familiarized with the school as it is the first year, and be a voice for everyone so that everyone’s ideas and/or opinions can be heard by the SRC. Also, to let everyone know whats going on! Whats worse than not knowing whats going on is missing something, and I would work hard to make sure nobody would miss something they wanted to attend.
How did you find out about the election?
I found out about the election while attending the Top Applicants Dinner. I was speaking with Mathieu Savidant, as he is also in business and we discussed how he was the first year representative. He told me about his experiences and what he has done so I was intrigued by this. I then decided that when the time came for the election that I would run.
If you had one wish and could change anything at UNBSJ what would it be?
If I could change one thing about UNBSJ it would be how people who haven’t been here, see it. I believe UNBSJ is one of the best university’s around, and thats just from my first month of experience. So many people judge UNBSJ before even looking into it, before even experiencing or meeting the people here. So my one wish would be for people to see UNBSJ for what it really is: An Amazing School.
The other candidates did not submit answers.