UNB Students to protest tuition changes made by Conservative Government

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Students in New Brunswick are estimated to have the highest level of debt in the country. Following the government eliminating the Free Tuition Program, the Tuition Relief for middle Class, and the Timely Completion Benefit, many students found that they were no longer able to afford post-secondary education.

Today, the UNB-SRC President, Patrick Hickey, sent an email along to students, giving them the opportunity to take a stand against New Brunswick’s tuition cuts.

On September 26,at 4:30 p.m., students will rally together in the Quad to show the government that they are fed up with the cuts to the financial aid programs.

Along with UNB changing the definition of a part-time student, thousands of students have had to give up on achieving their dream careers.

A “wall of debt” will be built tomorrow to demonstrate the barriers that university students face. The SRC will have a table outside of Tim Horton’s and in the Quad where you can fill out a brick, emphasizing a barrier in your life.

There will be speakers and student testimonies read at the event, and those who wish to have their stories heard can message the SRC President at president@unbsrc.ca .

RELEASE: The New Brunswick Student Alliance (NBSA) will be demonstrating our commitment to accessible education on…

Posted by New Brunswick Student Alliance / L'Alliance étudiante du Nouveau-Brunswick on Tuesday, September 24, 2019

For more information about the event, you may visit the Facebook page or check out NBSA’s website.

Emily is in her fourth year of Political Science. She loves studying and academics which follows into her research work. She's a stern black coffee drinker and is a proud Acadienne. When she's not working or doing school work, you can find Emily listening to 70s music on vinyl and watching Parks and Recreation. If you ask her about parliamentary institutions, she won't stop talking.