With Halloween just around the corner, the SRC has planned a week of diverse activities to celebrate.
Halloween week
The “Halloweek” starts this Monday, October 26, and runs until Friday, October 30. There will be an activity each day and while most of them are virtual, two of them will be held in-person.
These activities will be following safety measures to make it “COVID friendly”.
Pumpkin carving contest
The first activity is a pumpkin carving contest that will be held in-person. Undergraduate and Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick students are welcome to register and go to the Quad on campus at 4 p.m.
All pumpkins and supplies will be supplied for this activity.
There will be prizes for the following categories: “Creepiest”, “Most Creative”, “Funniest”, and “Best Try”.
Virtual breakout room
On Tuesday, October 27, the activity will be a virtual breakout room which will be through Zoom, starting at 7 p.m.
The breakout room will be set in a university and there will be cash prizes for the winning team.
Virtual Halloween trivia
The activity of Wednesday, October 28 is a trivia night, hosted by the SRC President, Patrick Hickey.
There will be three rounds and the winner of each round will get a $25 Amazon gift card.
The trivia night will be on Teams at 7 p.m.
SCR trick-or-treat
For this activity, undergraduate and DMNB students are encouraged to register, go to the gym, and get treats from SRC executives, and clubs and societies. Each club will have a station and will be giving treats representing itself.
The clubs and societies will be given cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment to make this in-person activity safe.
The trick-or-treat event is on Thursday, October 29 at 7 p.m.
Fall photo scavenger hunt
The last activity of Halloweek will be a virtual scavenger hunt contest that runs all week.
The participants will need to download the template given by the SRC and add their own photos to win.
The contest ends on October 29 at 11:59 p.m.
Click this link to learn more about the events and to register for the ones you’re interested in.