UNBSRC connects through food

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The Student Representative Council at UNB Saint John has collaborated with Chartwells to offer students the unique opportunity to pick up free produce bags today, November 25 from 12 to 5pm at the Baird Dining Hall.


The SRC is connecting students with fresh and healthy food that are both free and accessible. This is a result of the post-secondary student food insecurity research done by Erica Butler and Nathan Sing, as it was their findings that helped to inspire the collaboration. 

VP External, Ridhima Dixit who helped facilitate this event noted Sing and Butler’s work in response to why this type of collaboration will be beneficial for UNBSJ students stating:

“This initiative of course touches upon food insecurity. It’s the numbers that were shocking that further pushed for this event – 40 per cent of post-secondary education students face food insecurity Canada wide, more importantly New Brunswick has the second highest food insecurity rate. Universities play a larger role than providing education. Academic research indicates that students’ wellbeing and academic success depend on immediate action regarding food security.” 

The Baron went around campus to ask students how they felt about the project.

Tanya Paterson, a fourth year BA/BEd expressed how she loved the initiative: “As someone who used to cook and meal prep for others, there are so many wonderful options that students can use this for like soups, stews, etc. depending on what the produce bags contain.” 

Meagan Gautreau, another fourth year BA/BEd student also stated: “It is wonderful to see the SRC and Chartwells partner on a project that will be so helpful for so many students. Ridhima Dixit has done such a wonderful job!” 

It’s safe to say students are looking forward to potential further collaborations between the Student Representative Council and Chartwells in the future. 

Ashley is a fifth-year student in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education concurrent program. Now in her final year, she hopes to further studies with the goal of promoting international advocacy for educational rights. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to her vinyl records, watching films, and hiking.