Seawolves fall to Mounties in annual Kingston Cup matches: Mount Alison comes out on top in both men’s and women’s basketball
The Mount Alison Mounties were in Saint John, visiting the…
STU stomps UNBSJ in mens basketball: Tommies easily route the Seawolves
The UNBSJ Seawolves had a hard time containing the visiting…
Seawolves sweep the Hurricanes: UNBSJ’s women’s basketball team score a win
On Jan. 26, the women’s Seawolves basketball team trumped their…
UNBSJ cuts it close with Holland College: The women’s Seawolves basketball team make a close win against the Hurricanes
On Jan. 27 the Holland College (HC) Hurricanes were looking…
Another member of the team: Seawolves sports moms support their kids
We all know the obvious, that athletes are a vital…
Commit to club sports: They only exist if you’re interested
Clubs sports are ready and available to students at UNBSJ,…
Domination by Hurricanes: UNBSJ suffers an extreme loss against HC
Jan. 26 was a disappointing day for the men’s Seawolves…
McGill Team Challenge: UNBSJ students represent the Varsity Reds at McGill
On Jan. 25-26, the UNB Varsity Reds track and field…