2020 UNB Fall Convocation to go virtual

Baron Editor


Though initially planned to be in-person, both UNB campuses’ fall convocations will be held virtually, as announced on October 8. Both Saint John’s and Fredericton’s ceremonies will now be held on Saturday, November 7.

Important information for graduates

If you are interested to know who will be graduating, you can visit this link. Additionally, although they are not required, if you want a graduation gown and do not have one now, you can buy one via the same website.

If you are going to be graduating this fall, you will receive your graduation packages, which include your diplomas, through the mail in the coming weeks. If you are choosing to get a refund on your graduation apparel, contact Justin Silastre via email at jsilastre@gaspard.ca. If you require more information or clarification on anything mentioned here, you can always email talktous@unb.ca.

Schedule for ceremonies

For the Fredericton campus, the times of the convocation are 9 a.m. for Ceremony A (The Faculties of Forest and Environmental Management, Nursing and Sciences), 11 a.m. for Ceremony B (the Faculties of Management, Education and Kinesiology), 1 p.m. for Ceremony C (Faculties of Arts, Law, Renaissance College, and Interdisciplinary Studies) and 3 p.m. for Ceremony D (Faculties of Computer Science and Engineering).

Meanwhile, Saint John will hold its Fall Convocation at 5 p.m. for all faculties.

2020 valedictorians announced

On October 15, UNB announced the valedictorians of 2020 for each campus.

2020 Valedictorians Kathryn Magee (left), and Mallory Parsons (right). UNB/Website

Mallory Parsons will be the valedictorian for Fredericton. She graduated in May with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. She is currently studying in Toronto of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Kathryn Magee is the Saint John campus’ valedictorian. She graduated in May with a Bachelor of Business Administration with distinction and a major in accounting. She is currently studying for her Bachelor of Education degree.

How to view the ceremonies

Graduates will receive the invites for the fall convocation in their emails. It can also be streamed at unb.ca/graduation and on social media. If you want to be congratulated in-person rather than online, you are welcome to attend an in-person ceremony when they are available again. Keep an eye out on the graduation website for any potential further changes to the ceremonies.

On behalf of the Baron, congratulations to the 2020 graduates, and best of luck with your future endeavours.

