5 tips to beat your post Bash hangover

Baron Editor


As you wake up paint-party bash morning you may be thinking a lot of things.  Where am I? Who is this person in my bed? Who’s bed am I in? and How the hell did I get paint there?

In addition to these puzzling thoughts, those of us not lucky enough to be hypnotized into not having a hangover this weekend (See Spidey), may be waking up with a glorious hangover.  We have compiled a list of things what will undoubtedly help you throughout the year, and today.


The value of this cannot be recognized, I once knew a model student who would set an alarm for an hour before he wanted to wake up and layout a glass of water and two advil.  His alarm would ring he would chug the water, down the Advil and go back to sleep.  Upon waking up, it was as if nothing had happened the night before. He claims it never has failed him.

Now if only you can convince drunk you to look out for hungover you…

2. Drugs

As mentioned above, advil will save you. While it’s not a cure it is a lovely distraction from the symptoms until you can work your way to settling your stomach.  Your headache and whatever else aches will drift away into the muddled memories of the night before.  Repeat as often as necessary, but be smart and please read the label.

3. Fude

Feeling queasy? Food is the best cure for settling an abused stomach and/or liver. Grease is the preferred poison, potatoes in the form of hashbrowns are a must.   Avoid excessive spice, strong smells, and taking out whoever ended up in your bed in order to miss those awkward conversations about what may or may not have transpired.  Waiting around for your friends to go get food? Those leftover garlic finger will taste even more heavenly than they did last night at 3am.


Hangover Breakfast

  • 1 slice of day old pizza
  • 1/4 hollandaise
  • 1 egg poached
  • (optional) 2 slices bacon
  • side: hashbrowns…sweet sweet hashbrowns

Instructions:Heat pizza slice (for crisy, use toaster oven. NO NOT USE A TOASTER) add cooked bacon. Poach egg in water to your preference and place on top of hot pizza. Top with hollandaise.  Plate with hashbrown and enjoy the extreme jealousy of your roommates as you bask in the glory of being an adult.

4. Plan your day

It’s important to take it slow, avoid bright lights but remain active, to take care of your emotional side and the feeling that you are wasting a day away.  Our suggestion? grab a 2 egg breakfast from the Cafeteria, the biggest coffee you can find, a jug of water, and head down to the stadium to take in the Seawolves football home opener.

5. Give up

Who says you have to be hungover, reject it, rise above it, be different.  Channel the college student you wish you were, crack a beer and keep on going.  While a beer might be a little aggressive for some we have included a handy list of morning appropriate beverages to take the edge off and keep that buzz going.

Classic Caesar

bloody-caesar 1–1½ oz of vodka, two dashes of hot sauce, three dashes of salt and pepper, four dashes of Worcestershire sauce and topped with 4–6 oz of Clamato and served with ice.


Ensure both ingredients are well chilled, then mix into the glass. Serve cold. Equal parts champagne (or other sparkling wine) and chilled citrus fruit juice, usually orange juice unless otherwise specified (e.g. a grapefruit juice).


Add coffee mmmmmm.

Tequila Sunrise 

Maybe a stretch, but it says sunrise right?

