Baron Editor
If there is anything that Canada is known for – besides winning at curling and Tim Hortons – it’s our winters. Winter is a rough time for all of us, so here are five ways to stay cozy during the chilly season.
1. Wear layers of clothing
In case you aren’t aware, there are frequently times when the temperature can dip to -30°C. At times like these, a thick pair of gloves, jeans, a sweater under a thick stuffed coat, and two pairs of socks underneath a fancy-shmancy pair of boots can make all the difference between freezing your butt off and getting the flu or being warm and toasty while you bear the bitter cold.
2. Eat warm food
A tall glass of eggnog may seem like a nice drink but when it’s -20°C out with a windchill of -30°C, a bowl of soup is usually the smarter choice. Also, you can’t keep your hands warm from holding a cold glass of eggnog, but you can by holding a nice boiling cup of Tim Hortons’ coffee.
3. Go out on the town
Check out our Saint John Nightlife article to find the best places to keep warm and have a good time for a fair price!
4. Use the tunnels
Take it from me; just do it. You’ll avoid catching a chill before class, keep your feet and hands warm, your nose won’t run from the cold, and your ears won’t be beet red. You may think you’re brave for facing the -32 degree chill in your shorts and t-shirt, but really you’re just a douche.
5. Watch a movie while drinking some warm hot chocolate
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but Netflix is so delightful. Instead of going out in the cold, snowy winter hellscape, you can always treat yourself to a warm drink and a cuddly film on Netflix. Check out some of our holiday recommendations here!
6. Avoid slush puddles
While these may be fun to splash around in, you won’t be laughing when the bus drives by and you get a mouthful of sludge. Keep a safe distance.
7. Buy a blanket
Seriously, guys; just buy a blanket. Cotton, fleece, wool – there’s a huge variety, and it’s the one surefire way to keep yourself warm this season. Plus, blankets are super compact, so you can take them anywhere – even to class. Go ahead; we won’t judge. To help you out, here are some great blankets for you to invest in:
- Fleece Assortment: $68.70 for 9
- Mermaid Tail: $23.99
- Fleece Shark: $21.55