A S.U.R.E. Success

Baron Editor


A new club on campus this year, Students United in Respect and Equality (S.U.R.E.), was created by student Jessica Harrison-Brown and her friends to show that all people should be accepted as equals.

The club’s biggest event of the year, the First Steps Benefit Concert, was held this past Saturday night in the Whitebone Lounge to raise money and awareness for First Steps Housing here in Saint John.

First Steps Housing Project Inc. “was developed in Saint John because of the high teen pregnancy rate and the lack of support facilities for young women and their babies.”

Raising $500 in support of this local cause, this dinner and show saw current students, graduates, and local talents alike come to perform.

From “East Coast Tunes” sung by past SRC President Brad Trecartin to a dance routine called “Give Me Love” by current student Colin Ougler, the atmosphere had the feel of a Maritime summer’s night spent singing around a campfire.

Pegged by S.U.R.E. to become an annual club event, Saturday night will surely be remembered as one of the best student events of this school year.

For more informantion on the S.U.R.E. club, check out their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/463152427117353/

