Baron Editor
The change from high school to university is a big step in a person’s life. Luckily for first year students, there are a lot of people who have been there and done that. Here are some of their tips to make it easier for you.
Time management: remember, you are not in high school anymore. There are no lunch hour make up tests if you take the day off. University takes a lot of self-discipline and professors will not help you coast through your degree. Being a student is a full-time job, be prepared to put in the work.
The Syllabus: Hold on to your syllabus, you will need it often to keep track of due dates, midterms, and assignments. Know what your professors expect of you and do your best to meet those expectations.
On Campus Resources: The Writing Center and Math & Science Help Centre, both located in the Commons, and student services found in Oland Hall are just a few of the resources available. First year can be very stressful and student services offers counselling on a number of different issues. These services are all included in your tuition, so make the most of them. For students who need a little extra help, tutors are also available.
Advisors: This is the most important tip. They are there to help you, and do not worry about “being annoying,” it is their job to help you and they have heard it all before. Forming a good relationship with your advisor early on helps them understand what you want to get out of your time at UNB.
An evening at Tuckers after a midterm is a great way to wind down, but remember to buy your groceries first. A four year degree can put you thousands of dollars in debt, so be sure to establish a budget and stick to it.
As a new university student, one of the top priorities is having fun on the weekends. SRC has many events planned throughout the school year, like the First Class Bash coming up on Sept. 14. There is definitely nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but as a new student, look out for yourself. UNBSJ offers a safe walk and ride program to ensure your safety.
UNBSJ also offers non-academic resources. The Sexual Health Center, located in the Thomas J. Condon student center, offers free condoms, lubricants, feminine hygiene products, pregnancy tests, and sexual advice.
Now is the best time to get involved in new activities. There are thousands of people at your new school that you have not met yet. Going only to and from class will make for a very boring and lonely experience. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for Club Week in the quad in September. Clubs and extra curricular activities enrich your university experience. These are the best years of your life, enjoy them!
Everyone will have a different university experience, and it is something you need to figure out as you go. Welcome and good luck!