Have you heard of The Lorenzo Society?

Baron Editor


Would you like to meet your favorite author in person, have the opportunity of reading your poems in front of an audience, or just get some writing inspiration?

The Lorenzo Society offers a creative space for writers and readers alike. (Lorenzo Society/Website)

What is The Lorenzo Society?

The Lorenzo Society helps create a positive community and a welcoming environment for published authors, and students with a passion for poetry, photography, and the literary arts.

They focus on creating and sponsoring events where local artists, writers, and musicians can feel welcome and inspired. They host public readings where established and emerging writers can come together and enjoy passages of the featured author and spoken poetry from local writers.

This year’s lineup of artists can be found on their website and will include readings of works from Jesse Thistle, Emily Davidson, Natalie Morrill, and many more.

They are starting this year off with a reading from “The Waiting Hours” by Shandi Mitchell, which will be taking place September 17 at 2 p.m. in the Marco Polo Room at Parkland, and again at 7 p.m. at the Kennebecasis Valley Public Library.

The organized readings offer everyone a place to discuss literary works and provide a chance to meet the writers in our community face-to-face.

How can I be involved?

For all of you artists out there that are actively taking beautiful photos, writing flash fiction, or have some poems that you think deserve to be read by interested individuals, the Lorenzo Society might be able to help you get your work published alongside likeminded individuals passionate about their craft.

Every year the Lorenzo Society publishes the Vox Journal, a magazine composed of works from students. It is a student-run publication, just like The Baron, helping new and unpublished authors become part of a beautiful yearly project, creating a prime display of our aspiring writers and their talents.

The Lorenzo Society also helps make local art and music accessible to everyone by organizing concerts with the Saint John String Quartet and displaying local artists at the Lorenzo Art Gallery.

Where can I learn more?

If you are interested in being involved as a writer for Vox, or just want to find out more about the events, check out the links below:

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