How to learn guitar

Joseph Albert


Music is an intrinsic part of human nature. 

Emily Wheaton/The Baron

All cultures have some form of music that is unique to them. From the Tropical South to the Frigid North, music has played an important role in shaping our various cultures. All of us have experienced the joy of listening to our favorite musical artists. These artists are able to evoke great emotions from their fans. Regardless of whether you love music for the emotions it evokes or the mood it puts you in, music is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives!

Have you ever had the urge to learn guitar? Perhaps you bought one years ago and just never got around to learning it! While learning any musical instrument can be daunting at first, if one understands the basics of music theory, the task becomes manageable. This article is intended to provide one with the very basics of learning how to play guitar.  

Perhaps the most important building block is understanding “keys”. Essentially a key pertains to a pitch a piece of music is written in. There are 12 Major keys and 12 Minor keys. These keys are represented by certain letters of the alphabet (C, D, E, F, G, A, B).  Each key has certain chords that belong within the key. This topic could potentially become incredibly complex so we will only focus on learning one key. Once we are familiar with how to play in one key, it is much easier to relate this to other keys.

Emily Wheaton/The Baron

We will focus on the key of G. This is the most common key with which guitarists play in.  The key of G has three main chords to learn. These chords are G, C, and D. Once these chords have been learned, you will be able to play multiple hit songs!

In the beginning stages, the strings of the guitar will feel very sharp and painful on the fingertips. However, with consistent practice, calluses will build up and you will not even notice the feeling. The next step is to apply these chords to music. Check out the site ULTIMATE GUITAR. Do not forget to ensure that the song you are playing is in the key of G!

The most important thing when learning guitar is to practice! Many students simply do not allocate a substantial amount of time to their musical development! For this reason, they become caught in a painful cycle of losing and then gaining motivation with no real improvement. A helpful tip is to set aside a specific time and place every day that you practice. This will aid in reinforcing the habit of consistent practice.

Emily Wheaton/The Baron

This is a very brief guide to learning how to play guitar. While we only briefly touched on the main points, it is enough for you to get started! Learning guitar is extremely daunting.  Therefore, it is important to take things day by day. Remember that success is the sum of consistent efforts repeated over a lengthy period of time!

