Isn’t it time you did more than just commute? How being involved can change your university experience

Baron Editor


As the school year comes to a close I can’t help but reflect on the year that’s passed and all of the great things that have come from my involvement on campus.

I’ve heard UNBSJ be referred to as a “commuter school” so many times in the past year and before I took on the position of Editor-in-Chief, that’s all that this school was to me as well. A place to attend classes, maybe have lunch with some friends and then I’d head home. If you become involved in something, it becomes so much more than that.

As an involved student, you get to meet several new people; people who will become your friends for many years to come. When you’re involved and you’re around others who are involved, you share a passion with them. You begin to care about your school on a different level and these buildings become more than just a place to learn.

It can be hard to commit yourself to something however, because so many students are quick to share their negative opinions about the goings-on at this school. They don’t like the cafeteria food, or a certain sports team sucks, or the parking is awful, or we don’t have enough recycling bins anymore, or the campus paper is not a “real” paper. It’s discouraging to be a part of a group of people who care about something and put so much hard work into it, only to hear negative comments from other students. Students who are quick to b*tch, but never actually do anything about their complaints.

Does this sound like you? Do you have many complaints but think your just a “commuter”? Well stop it! Get involved and make a difference, not only in your life, but also in the lives of others.

We’re all busy: tests, exams, projects, readings, families and the list goes on.  You can make all of the excuses in the world, but until you actually just decide to jump in and join a club or society, or decide to write for the campus paper, whatever it may be, you’ll always wonder what your university experience could have been like if maybe you just did a little more than commute.

Being involved has changed my whole UNBSJ experience. I have met a dedicated group who have worked tirelessly to put The Baron together every two weeks, no matter what they are experiencing at home or at school. Being on campus for reasons other than learning, you can’t help but meet others who are also dedicated to trying to make UNBSJ a better place. Having The Baron office close to the Students’ Representative Council offices has allowed me to form close relationships with a few fellow students who give it their all to make this campus a more exciting place. It’s nice to share your frustrations and triumphs with another group who wants more for UNBSJ.

You can say that you just need to concentrate on your schooling for now and that you don’t have time for anything that’s happening on campus. Once you have your degree and that fancy framed piece of paper sits on your wall, the memories of your time at UNBSJ will soon start to fade as you reflect on how hard you studied and those tireless hours you spent in your room getting ready for a midterm. Wouldn’t you want to reflect on your experience with a friend? A friend you met through a club or society who you had a lot of fun and worked hard to make something a success with? Who doesn’t want lasting friendships and memories? If you do, then just take a leap! Join something, make a difference here. If you’ve been reading your campus paper you’ll be aware that many exciting things are in the works for students, because a group of people cared enough to try to make a difference.

In closing, I would like to thank my staff for their commitment to our little paper-I have formed friendships with many of you and hope to stay in touch for years to come. I would like to thank the SRC for their support, friendship and willingness to help The Baron throughout this year as well.


