Movies Meet History

Baron Editor


2014 marks the 100th year anniversary of World War I, a mile mark that has prompted the creation of the First World War on Film Series at UNBSJ. Their goal is to “make people think more about it,” says UNBSJ student and coordinator of the film series, Christine Cameron.

The film series explores how war is portrayed in film, as well as the impact war has had on societies. The First World War on Film Series is sponsored by the History, Sociology, and Political Science departments.

Every Wednesday night, from now until Nov. 26, UNBSJ is putting on the First World War on Film Series. They are presenting various films depicting war at seven p.m. in Irving Hall 107. Best of all? They are free to attend.

Some of the films played thus far include: Lewis Milestone’s All Quiet on the Western Front, Charlie Chaplin’s Shoulder Arms, Howard Hughes’ Hell’s Angels, and Paul Gross’ Passchendale.

This week’s film is Lawrence of Arabia, starring Peter O’Toole. Cameron states that it is “one of [her] favourites in the old movie categories.” It promises to be a very interesting watch!

Upcoming movies include Stanley Kubrick’s Paths of Glory and Peter Weir’s Gallapoli.

For more information on the film series, and to join the discussion on wars’ impact on societies, you can visit the Facebook page at: Keep an eye out for posters, made by Cameron herself, promoting each week’s feature film.

