One night only! A new showcase is coming to Saint John

Kylie Mackenzie


On Wednesday, September 20, the Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS), will be presenting an event titled, Dialogues on the Edge, at 7:00 pm at the Imperial Theatre.

Bill McGuire/Submitted

Dialogues on the Edge is a national showcase of multidisciplinary performances from
Indigenous, Black, refugee, and Deaf people, and people with disabilities.

General admission tickets are free so make sure you don’t miss out on these great events!

You can watch a preview of what to expect here:

Doris Rajan, Director of Operations & Social Development for IRIS describes this event, “The Imperial Theatre show on September 20th highlights the talents of multidisciplinary professional performers who will share experiences and perspectives related to systemic discrimination. Acts are coming from all over the country from Yellowknife to local Saint John performers”

Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society/Facebook

Rajan explained the importance of students attending this event, “They will learn about the
experiences of Indigenous, Black, refugee, Deaf people, and people with disabilities. This event will offer the rare opportunity for individuals in Canada to understand the unique experiences of some of the most systemically marginalized people in our society. People whose experiences and voices are often silenced.”

More to come:

Additionally, IRIS will be hosting another event taking place at the Bill McGuire Center located in Rothesay from 10:00am – 2:00pm on September 21. Doors open at 9:15.

At this event you will hear from diverse speakers and learn about the community actions each local network has been working on.

The aim is to bring together community members and front-line workers who are from, and/or provide services to, Indigenous, Black, and other racialized groups, refugees, and/or people with intellectual, mental health and cognitive disabilities. The focus is on women and gender diverse peoples.

Bill McGuire Centre/Submitted

Tickets are free but you need to register! Click here to get your tickets today.

Rajan described the event, “The Solidarity Forum at the Bill McGuire Centre on September 21,brings speakers who are Indigenous, Black, live with disabilities, refugees etc. to talk about their life stories, hopes and dreams. Students will also have the opportunity to join in on the discussions. Plus, a lovely lunch will be provided! We really want young people to come out and play a greater part in these dialogues and this solidarity movement… It might sound like a cliché, but we are stronger together!”

Show your support!

Make sure to register for your free tickets as soon as possible and show your support for these two incredible events.

