Baron Editor
Are you in Science, Health Sciences, Nursing or Engineering? Are you wondering who to approach about academic issues? Well, Brittany Geno is your girl and she just so happens to be this week’s SRC profile! So take a look, find out what she does, why she does it and get to know your friendly neighbourhood Science Representative a little better:
“I hold one of the two positions on SRC as Science Representative. Being part of SRC, I represent the SASE Students (Science, Health Sciences, Nursing and Engineering) for this upcoming semester, and my main focus is to address the comments, concerns and questions that students wish to bring to a higher authority regarding their […] academic experience.”
When asked why she ran for the position Geno answered, “Before SRC, I was always heavily involved with the schools I’ve attended. My first position similar to this one was at Saint Mary’s University. I was able to be an advocate for the students there too, and this is where I acquired the skills of being dedicated and addressing concerns of fellow students.”
Geno is certainly dedicated, “Being a part of the SASE programs, students are not always available during ‘normal business hours,’ therefore I make it my priority to be around on campus during the evenings,” says Geno, “Face-to-face communication is key when understanding the frustrations and concerns students have. During the evenings I am a driver for the SafeRide program, and truly believe it is a rewarding experience to speak with SASE Students on topics that are important to them.”
Geno discusses her priorities while she is a part of the SRC, “Without a doubt you can’t forget about our residence students, as this year we have a tremendous amount of Science students living within residence,” she says, “I am the vice president on Residence Council as well, which allows me to interact with students on a regular basis and certainly allows the opportunity for students to voice their opinions on concerning topics.”
Geno gives some friendly advice to students, “With that being said, I am dedicated and passionate for my SASE Students and certainly love representing this amazing group of individuals! I would love the opportunity to meet with all SASE students at one point during the year!” says Geno, “Best of luck with your studies, and please don’t hesitate to approach me at any time or email me at Johnathan Lockwood Huie once said ‘the Way of Success: Visualize the end result, plan, take action, persevere, re-plan, take action, persevere!’”
To learn more about your SRC, visit, and keep a look out for next issue’s SRC profile.