The autumn playlist

Baron Editor


Long gone are the days of warmth and minimal wear. Quietly ushered in is a new season of fall coats and autumn leaves. It’s during this time that you might find yourself on a stroll.

Perhaps times are particularly tough and you need to blow off steam by taking a calming walk, or maybe you’re simply on your way to class. Whatever your reason, don’t hesitate to appreciate the beauty that fall has to offer.

With that, put in those headphones and listen up. Here are my five favorite albums to listen to on these brisk autumn days, as usual, in no particular order.

5) Lumiere, composed and performed by Dustin O’Halloren

Self-taught American pianist, Dustin O’Halloren, has produced a beautiful assortment of songs. The album itself is essentially a minimalist piano approach, combined with violins timed in such beautiful sync with the accompanying melodies. It evokes such swift and changing emotions in its simplistic approach. It resonates not just as music, but as a part of a soul. The subtle silences, the slashes of a string, it all ties together in such a peaceful, enchanting melodies.

4) Please Come Home (We Hate it Here Without You) by Quiet Parade

Halifax-based solo artist, Trevor Murphy, wrote a moving collection of songs. Rich with thoughtful lyrics and soft melodies, the end result is bliss. It just sounds like there’s been love in the process from beginning to finish. A lot is said, but somehow the songs find a way to speak for themselves in their simple and quaint elegance. Some are warm, some are happy and some songs are tear jerkers.

This album offers an insightful look on changes, love and life.

3) Basket of Light by Pentangle

Basket of Light infuses the harmonic and angelic vocals of Jacqui McShee with the most robust combination of genres all infused perfectly.

With elements of folk, jazz, rock, and pop, the British band delivers a compelling and pleasant album. It carries an almost medieval vibe, with a truly authentic bard atmosphere. Its simple, but subtly complex melody catches just the right strings in your ear to get your toe tapping.

A simply warm, homelike album, almost as if it was playing in the background of your favorite childhood memory; enchanting the memories of a younger you jumping into a pile leaves and maybe a future you doing just that.

2) Thistled Spring by Horse Feathers

Horse Feathers is definitely of the more traditional, instrument rich type of folk music that you would expect.

The Portland-based band is comprised of a variety of multi-instrumental musicians, capable of playing the banjo, violin, cello, drums and beautiful vocals. They use their abilities to their maximum potential. Sometimes sounding almost sludgy, in their rougher, more down tempo tracks and other times sounding lively and happy in a rustic, almost Nordic fashion. Their combination of sincere and raspy vocals garnishes the wonderful instrumental pieces ties everything together. It’s the perfect album to sit down and enjoy a tea with.

1) Highway Houses by Pat LePoidevin

Pat LePoidevin is a nomadic folk artist, hailing originally from Sackville NB, travelling as far as South Korea. He has touched souls on every journey he’s ever undergone. His music consists of looping a ukulele and guitar backed by a friend on percussion underneath his intense vocals (which he also loops).

He has fine-tuned his technique so masterfully that some of the noises he produces are purely angelic. Even the way the album begins instantly reminds you of every nature trip your family has ever taken you on. His voice echoes with passion and beauty in the most natural way imaginable and you can truly lose yourself in nature with this album.

Thanks for reading. To check out all these bands and more check out the Baron’s Youtube page at


