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While today many music lovers tend to favour a heavy bass and loud drums in their music, there are many benefits of listening to classical music. In fact, it can have several helpful effects such as improving memory, physical health, productivity, and even mood, and decreasing stress.
Improves memory
Numerous studies have shown the correlation between improved memory and listening to classical music. On top of this, a theory called the Mozart Effect showed that listening to Mozart for ten minutes prior to an IQ test consistently boosted test scores. I know what I will be doing before my next exams!
Several physical benefits
According to, listening to classical music can help relieve pain as well as decrease blood pressure – which can also help to prevent more dangerous conditions. It also improves sleep; studies have shown that listening to classical music 45 minutes before you go to bed can help you fall asleep faster and even improve the quality of sleep. Harvard Health states that music may even help improve stroke recovery.
Increasing concentration and productivity
Classical music has been shown to help with concentration and productivity. While other types of music may be distracting, classical music can make tedious tasks more bearable, allowing you to buckle down and finish them. It has also been shown to help get creative juices flowing.
Many mental health benefits
Classical music can also just make you feel good. Numerous studies have shown that it increases the level of dopamine in your brain and has as many (if not more) highs and lows as other music genres, meaning it can allow you to explore all emotions – all while making you feel happier.
Classical music can help fight symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as reduce stress. Studies have been done showing that it helped stressed out pregnant women or anxious patients about to enter surgery, although it is not limited to these two cases.
Why it just rocks
Apart from all the compelling positive effects is has been proven to have, classical music just rocks. Other genres simply do not have the complexity or range of emotion within one piece that classical music holds. As a firm lover of classical music, I would say that like the theory that those who do not like to read may have just not found the right book, those who do not enjoy classical music have not found the right composer. Myself, I prefer the Russian Romantic composers, such as Tchaikovsky or Borodin, although you will not go wrong with Bach or Brahms either. Another, more contemporary Spanish composer is Arturo Márquez, who composed a beautiful piece titled “Danzón No. 2”.
From physical benefits to mood lifters, classical music has many positive effects. In terms of medicine, this is likely to be the easiest you will ever have to take. Consider trying classical music next time you need a pick-me-up – you might just find that your day goes all the better for it.