The Student Accessibility Centre- how can it help you?

Baron Editor


In collaboration with UNB students, faculty, and staff, the Student Accessibility Centre is dedicated to the equitable treatment of students with disabilities and to fostering an accessible learning experience. The centre provides students with accommodations in class, on campus, or during tests and exams.

(Wolfgang Duechtel/The Baron)

Who is Eligible to Register?

Students who have a documented visible, invisible, or temporary disability are eligible to register with the UNB Student Accessibility Centre. The centre serves and supports students with a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions and some of them include the following:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Deafness or hardness of hearing
  • Low vision or blindness
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Physical disabilities
  • Mental health issues
  • Temporary disabilities
  • Concussions

What kind of services does the centre provide?

The Student Accessibility Centre provides a variety of services for disabled students including:

  • Information about campus accessibility and services
  • Learning Technology Centre and computers with specialized software
  • Training and support with assistive technology
  • Support with academic accommodations in courses
  • Assistance in applying for Canada Student Grants
  • Study skills and time management advice

What types of accommodations does the centre provide?

  • Accommodation for a test: For each course in which a student requires academic accommodations, a request for academic accommodations form must be completed. The student must schedule an appointment with the Student Accessibility Counsellor to receive their academic accommodation form.
  • Request an e-text: Textbooks in alternative formats, such as electronic versions, can be made available to students as an academic accommodation if necessary. Students must purchase a hard copy of the textbook and present a receipt to the Student Accessibility Support Coordinator in Oland Hall G35.
  • Find a student tutor: During the academic year, Student Services compiles a list of available student tutors. Before the service is provided, the centre can make arrangements with the tutor regarding the date, location, time, and associated fees. 
  • Peer Note-Taking: Students who are unable to take notes in class are given this option by the centre. Peer note-takers contribute to UNB’s accessible learning community by sharing their notes with students who require them due to a disability or medical condition. Note-takers typically report that they are more motivated to attend classes, pay attention, and take quality notes to study from.

What is the required documentation?

The student needs to be able to provide appropriate documentation to support the need for special accommodations. The documents are kept safely at the office of the Student Accessibility Counsellor and the entire process is handled confidentially. 

Some common examples of the required documentation include:

  • A letter from a licensed health professional stating the student’s diagnosis, the impact of the disability on the student’s ability to study, and suggested accommodations and supports.
  • A licensed psychologist’s report from the last five years.

Family and support assistance

All information exchanged between the student and the centre’s office is strictly confidential. Only with the student’s consent will the office allow a family member or supporter to attend the Student Accessibility Centre appointments. However, students have to provide a written permission letter for a family member or supporter to communicate or advocate on their behalf.

Statement from Student Accessibility Counsellor Ken Craft

UNBSJ’s Student Accessibility Counsellor, Ken Craft, said that the Student Accessibility Centre is important to ensure that students with documented disabilities have an equal opportunity to succeed at university. 

He also added that the best part of his job is to see students who are registered with the Student Accessibility Centre successfully graduate and receive their diplomas. 

Interested in booking an appointment to learn more?

If you are interested to learn more about your eligibility for the centre and learn about how this facility can assist you then please visit how to register with the Student Accessibility Centre or book an appointment with Ken Craft or Alexandra Valencia.

Contact Information

  • Ken Craft, Student Accessibility Counsellor

Phone: (506) 648-5690


  • Alexandra Valencia, Student Accessibility Support Assistant

Phone: (506) 636-6260

Email: or 

To learn more about the centre, please visit the website.

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