UNB International advisor opens BIPOC Space

Keila Gallardo


Hillary Nguyen, an international advisor on the UNB Fredericton campus, has opened a virtual Teams chat where Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) folk can meet, talk, and connect with each other. 

Hillary Nguyen is the International Advisor on the UNB Fredericton Campus. (UNB/Website)

The meetings will take place every second Thursday of the month at noon. There is no specific agenda and there is no need to take notes. However, students can co-host if they want.

To join the space, students need to click this link or email Hillary at hillary.nguyen@unb.ca to get a forwarded invitation. 

International Advisor Hillary Nguyen

The international advisor is a UNB Alumni from Saigon, Vietnam. Nguyen has expressed their passion for creating spaces and platforms for minority groups. 

“People of colour need their own spaces. Black people and Indigenous people need their own spaces. We need places in which we can gather and be free from the mainstream stereotypes and marginalization that permeate every other societal space we occupy,” stated Nguyen. 

The aim of the BIPOC Space is to create a space where students can grow to be their authentic selves without judgement. 

