Taylor Fennelly
With the first day of school right around the corner and new students arriving, it’s important to remind everyone what resources UNB offers, even amongst all the unknown during this pandemic. Many don’t realize just how many services are included in your tuition and fees, so here is a quick refresher.
Academic advising
One of the biggest things to remember is that throughout your journey at UNB, your academic advisor will always be there to make sure you are taking the correct courses and that you are on the right path to graduate. That doesn’t change with remote learning. If you are unsure who your advisor is, you can check here.
Student Accessibility Centre
The Student Accessibility Centre helps students with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, concussions, or any other academic hindrances to get the help you need. Some of the services they offer include peer note-taking, in-class accommodations, and extra time during tests and exams. These services are also available with online classes. They can be reached at kcraft@unb.ca.
Math and Science Help Centre
Located in the Commons, the Math and Science Help Centre can assist you with your specialized discipline with tutoring sessions and extra help. To schedule an online appointment, simply go to D2L and click their name under free course registration.
There are also tutors available on the UNB web page for all types of disciplines.
The Writing Centre
Also located in the Commons, the Writing Centre can help you build resumes, cover letters, and improve your essays. Their services are still available remotely during the pandemic, you can book an appointment here.
UNB Libraries
The UNB Libraries houses many necessary services for students alongside the e-resources webpage. The services they offer are now available remotely as well, with curb-side book pick-up and online research assistance. Check them out here.
Job opportunities
UNB posts career opportunities within the university and outside community. They also link postings from SEED, Canada Summer Jobs, Canada Job Bank, and N.B. Job Match. They also host the FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program) which offers students access to lots of job opportunities within the federal government. This service can be found here.
Financial assistance
Not only does UNB offer scholarships, but they are here for you if you need financial aid. The Financial Aid Office in the Student Services section of Oland Hall can assist you with student loans, bursaries, and much more. They are not offering in-person sessions right now, but you can email them at finaidsj@unb.ca.
Physical health services
UNB offers health coverage that is automatically part of your tuition and fees cost, but they also have an on-campus nurse practitioner right behind the Athletics Centre. They are still operating during COVID with e-visits, telephone and email consultations.
UNB also has a Sexual Health Centre, which offers free condoms, lubricant, feminine hygiene products, pregnancy tests, and sexual advice, all still offered remotely.
Mental health services and counselling
UNB offers lots of mental health services for every student, all included in tuition. Last year UNB started Real Campus, which is a counselling service available to all students, even if they opted out of the health fee. It has counsellors available from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for video calls, emails, and other mental health resources. You can view your options at realcampus.ca.
UNB offers in-person counselling for career and personal inquiries, as well. They are not hosting drop-in appointments right now, but you can book a video chat or phone call by emailing sjcounsellor@unb.ca.
Resource Room
Located in the Thomas J. Condon Student Centre above the cafeteria is a resource room available to all students. It has textbooks, educational materials, toiletries, and non-perishable foods. You can drop off or pick up anything you would like at any time.
Make sure you utilize these services to make this upcoming challenging year a little easier!