UNB Saint John launches new mental health program

Baron Editor


The new WeConnect program will be replacing the RealCampus program and this new mental health centre will provide students with “better” and “more refined” services.


Highlights of the WeConnect program

  • It is available to all undergraduate students regardless if they have the WeSpeakStudent health insurance or not as it is part of their Student Success Fee, so it’s provided at no additional cost;
  • It provides 24/7 access to a trained intake team and then connects people with trained clinical professionals;
  • Students can also access career, life, and other wellness services.

Transition to the new program

To be able to deliver a comprehensive program that can effectively serve students at no additional expense, Student Services stated that the transition process required commitment and persistent hard work with the leaders in the Student Representative Council. This is in addition to existing formal community relationships with organizations such as Family Plus to provide inexpensive long-term care and to aid in the transition from campus to community life.

Current Steps/Announcements 

The Director of the Student Services, Sheldon MacLeod, announced that the university’s grant proposal for a new Mental Health Nurse was accepted and that the university is now actively looking for staff members for the mental health team.

Sign up today for counselling services

To register into the program, please call or text at 1-888-377-0002. To find more information about the mental health program, please visit the website.

