UNB-SRC fall by-election begins

Keila Gallardo


The SRC by-elections have begun, starting with nomination week. Students who are interested in running can get a nomination form by emailing the SRC’s General Manager, Lorna McLellan, at generalmanager@unbsrc.ca.


The form must be filled out and sent back to the General Manager by 12 p.m. at the very latest on Friday, September 25. No experience is needed but you must be 19 years old and in good academic standing.

Available positions

The open positions according to the official SRC website are the following:

Executive positions: 

  • Vice-President External 

Council positions:

  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Councillor 
  • First Year Councillor 
  • LGBTQ+ Councillor 
  • Nursing/Health Sciences Councillor 
  • Member-at-Large Councillor  

External positions:

  • Student Senate Position (1-year term) 
  • Student Senate Position (2-year term) 

Campaign week 

According to the SRC website, posters and physical campaign materials will be prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Speeches are only for executive members so we are not sure if speeches will even be necessary as we only have one executive position open,” said Patrick Hickey, President of the UNB-SRC. “If so, they will be done online.” 

The campaigning will be done virtually from September 28 to October 2.  

Voting week 

All undergraduate students who attend UNB Saint John, both full-time and part-time, can vote through E-Services. The steps for voting can be found here. Voting will be open from October 5 to October 9. 

Voting week closes at the end day Friday, October 9. 

Any questions can be answered by emailing at CRO@unbsrc.ca or by visiting the SRC’s website.

