Keila Gallardo
UNB Pro Bono law students and lawyer volunteers are hosting another Imprint Trans I.D. clinic on Saturday, February 6 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Purpose of the clinic
This clinic helps people to change their identification documents to reflect their gender and name changes.
Abbey Smith, the UNB Pro Bono Students Canada (PRSC) Program Coordinator, says that “the clinic is 100% confidential and can be a great help regardless of what stage [people] are in the completion of documentation”.
The online clinic is completely free for everyone.
“We recognize that many people face barriers, whether they be financial limitations, poor previous experiences, or lack of options in their geographical area, and are actively working to try and close this access to justice gap in our community”.
How to participate
Students can book a session at the Imprint Trans ID clinic website.
More information about the trans I.D. clinic’s services can be found here.