Voting week kicks off for the UNB-SRC 2020 Fall By-election

Keila Gallardo


The time to vote for the rest of the 2020-2021 UNB-SRC has come. Get to know more about the two unopposed candidates for this election and what will happen with the remaining open positions. 


Fall 2020 candidates

The candidates running this year are: 

-For Vice-President External: Charlotte Fanjoy.

-For Nursing/Health Sciences Representative: Clara Kelly.

Vice-President External 

(Charlotte Fanjoy/Facebook)

Charlotte Fanjoy, who has been interim V.P. since August, commented that she has “loved her time with the SRC” and is “determined to continue [her] work”.

Her future plans include keep up working with the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), the New Brunswick Student Association (NBSA), and university committees.

Fanjoy also wants to “continue to be a positive voice and advocate on issues that matter to the student body”. 

On her campaign post, Fanjoy remarked her interest to listen to the students regarding any topics she should advocate for. 

“I am reachable at any time for questions or concerns and would love to discuss important issues you feel need to be addressed”. 

Nursing/Health Representative 

(Clara Kelly/Facebook)

The Nursing/Health Rep. candidate, Clara Kelly, is a second-year nursing student who is a “dedicated, hardworking, and approachable person who is ready to make a difference and voice your concerns”, according to her campaign post on Facebook. 

Kelly commented that she “wanted to get more involved on campus and to have more contact with students especially in a time where we aren’t always connected”. 

She has stated that she doesn’t have a large plan but she’s “hoping to reach out to the nursing students and see how [she] can make a difference that will benefit them”. 

Remaining Seats 

Six other positions remain after this election as nobody applied to them by the September 25 deadline. These include Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Councillor, First Year Councillor, LGBTQ+ Councillor, Member at Large Councillor, and also the external positions, which are one-year and two-year Senate positions.

When it comes to the other six positions available, there is a process where students can apply for the remaining seats called a “vacancy petition”. 

According to the President of the SRC, Patrick Hickey, students can do this process after the fall election. 

The process to file a seat can be found on the By-Laws document on the SRC website. 

How and when to vote

All students can vote through E-services starting Monday, October 5 under the “Voting” tab, then under “SRC Election October 2020” until this Friday, October 9 before midnight. 

Any questions or concerns can be directed to Rita Sabitry, the Chief Returning Officer, at 

