Vox Submission Deadline Fast Approaching

Baron Editor


What better way to spend a snow day than by doing some creative writing? Vox, UNBSJ’s annual Arts publication, is looking for writing and visual art to include in their 15th edition. The deadline for submissions is March 10th, which is just two weeks away.

Consisting exclusively of student work, Vox serves as proof of the creativity that students at UNBSJ are capable of. Featuring all forms of art submitted by students from multiple faculties and in different years of study, the talent showcased is endless.

Vox has a long history at UNBSJ – one that Erin Muir, co-editor of the publication this year, feels that students should take pride in. She explains that, “Vox has been published annually [at UNBSJ] for 14 years. It’s important to students and faculty in all departments because having a strong arts presence on campus encourages attendance, funding for arts programs, and an overall positive campus community. Vox is essential to our campus and to its reputation among other Canadian universities.”

Regarding the deadline for submissions this year, Erin Muir explains that the date was strategically chosen because, “March 10th is the Friday during March break. We picked this date to give students time to work on something over the break when they are not bogged down by classes, midterms, etc.”

Throughout the year whilst building the publication, Vox holds weekly meetings in Hazen Hall #127 from 4:00-5:00pm every Thursday. The meetings are a place where “students can visit Voxers—editors, previously published authors and artists, as well as those who are simply interested—with their creative work and get constructive feedback on it”, according to Muir.

As for why students should submit to Vox, Erin Muir feels that “it’s a positive creative outlet, and everyone needs one of those, especially when school/work/life is stressing you out. Also, Vox is a legitimate publication; not only do you have bragging rights, but you can sneak it into your CV and your resume.”

Connor DeMerchant, who has been a member of Vox since 2015, says that his experience with the publication “has been wonderful. The editing process—and the whole experience in general—was really great, as everyone was very nice and supportive when it came to writing. Not only have I been able to publish my work, but I have also been able to witness the creative process and work of others.”

Erin Muir and Rachel Friars are the editors of Vox this year, and they hope to receive many more submissions. Along with short fiction, poetry, photography, and visual art, Vox accepts pieces like creative nonfiction and short comics. As their website says, any form of art that can be put on paper can be submitted to Vox.

If submitting to Vox is of interest to you, email unbsjvox@gmail.com or contact Erin Muir or Rachel Friars directly through Facebook. For more information and submission guidelines, follow Vox on Facebook (@Vox: The UNBSJ Student Arts Annual) or Instagram (@voxunbsj).

