Weekly Clubs & Societies series: UNBSJ Politics Society

Keila Gallardo


The Baron is hosting a weekly series introducing readers to the clubs and societies on campus here at UNB.

UNBSJ Politics Society will provide a place for students to discuss local, national, and international politics and mentor students with Politics concerns major requirements and opportunities. 

(UNBSJ Politics Society/Facebook)

Society’s activities and events

The society plans to host on and off-campus events relating to the three levels of Canadian politics and international politics.

UNBSJ Politics Society’s first event will be a general meeting on March 17 at 5 p.m. The general meeting will allow students to learn about and join the club and discuss the upcoming general 2022-2023 election. The event will be both in-person and virtual. Students can go to the Whitebone Pizzeria and get free pizza or join through the Teams link the society will provide if contacted, which is also included on their poster. 

Society’s vision

The society aims to create a place for students involved in politics and members of the Politics department where they can enjoy events related to political campaigns, elections, and legislative discussion at the three levels of Canadian government and international politics and legislation. Discussions could also discuss any current social issues as politics can cover a wide area of topics.

UNBSJ Politics Society will also offer help to students interested in declaring a Politics major or minor. The members of the society will help students to pick their courses and give advice on opportunities within the Politics department, and academic advice in general.

The society wants to fill the gaps in mentorship that the pandemic has caused so that lower-year students can learn from upper-year students.

Interested in joining?

Students can become general members of the UNBSJ Politics Society by attending their first event or sending a private message to their Instagram and Facebook pages.

Anyone interested in running for an executive position should attend the meeting, but if the time conflicts with their schedule, they can still reach out to the group’s social media pages to advise that they want to run. To run for one of the five positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Promotions), a student must declare a Politics major or minor. Any questions can also be directed to leadership team members Emily Wheaton or Katie Herrington.

