UNBSJ takes part in the Ice Bucket Challenge

Baron Editor


SRC president, Chris Mahar dumps a bucket of ice water over UNBSJ vice-president Robert MacKinnon's head in support of ALS.

SRC president, Chris Mahar dumps a bucket of ice water over UNBSJ vice-president Robert MacKinnon’s head in support of ALS.

Over the last few weeks, social media outlets have been blowing up with videos of people completing the ALS Ice BucketChallenge. This charitable challenge was kick started by a teen in the United States to help generate awareness for

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and since July 29th the challenge has gone viral.

At 12:30pm on Aug. 25th, UNBSJ’s very own Vice President, Dr. Robert MacKinnon completed the Ice Bucket Challenge with help from the SRC President, Chris Mahar.

Nominated by Dr. John Steeves, the Associate Dean of Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick, MacKinnon was thrilled to be completing this challenge and expressed excitement when talking about it days prior to the event.

In addition to the Ice Bucket Challenge, MacKinnon will be making a donation to the ALS foundation on behalf of UNBSJ in celebration of the campus’ 50th Anniversary.

MacKinnon now challenges the SRC Executive team;  Bernard Cormier, the Cultural Affairs Officer of the City of Saint John; and Randy Hadfield, Executive Director of the Human Development Council to participate in the challenge.

You can watch MacKinnon’s Ice Bucket Challenge below.

