Baron Editor
The UNBSJ political science society will host an all candidates debate tonight on campus. The four federal candidates will attempt to convince the student audience that they are the best choice to represent Saint John-Rothesay in Ottawa.
The event will be moderated by Dr. J.P. Lewis, will cover student issues, economic policy, and social policy. The questions that will be used have been posted by students to a Facebook page created by the UNBSJ Political Science Society.
Some students have expressed concern about lack of an environmental policy category however the political science society has stated that, “Environmental questions will be asked as they relate to economic and social policy. As per previously agreed with the candidates, the topics covered will include student issues, economic and social policy.”
There is some controversy surrounding the debate, as it will be closed to the general public, however the political science society says that this is due to the original agreements surrounding the debate that cannot be changed.
It is still unclear whether it will be posted online, either in video or live-streamed, for public viewing.
The debate will run from 7:30 – 9:30 in the Ganong Hall lecture theatre at UNBSJ Campus.
To submit questions or for more information visit the facebook page at