Baron Editor
A public showcase of financial literacy resources by members of New Brunswick’s Financial Education Network will be held on Nov. 27 at UNB Saint John. The event will take place in the Baird Dining Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
This one day event is intended to showcase what financial literacy services and supports are available to the public and help individuals deal with their financial issues and concerns.
While the event is open to the public, students are also invited to attend.
Some of the financial resources being discussed that may be of significant value to students include budgeting as well as debt and credit management.
“Financial literacy plays an important role in helping people achieve economic independence,” says Rick Hancox, chief executive officer of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission.
“We hope that by bringing financial literacy resources to the public that we will help New Brunswickers manage their own financial resources and help to improve not only their economic stability, but also their quality of life.”
Brenda Collings, of the UNB Saint John Faculty of Business, will be coordinating the event on campus.
For more information on the Financial Literacy Expo, visit