Jack.org at UNBSJ organizes holiday sponsor initiative for struggling students

Keila Gallardo


This year, due to the pandemic, Jack.org’s UNBSJ Chapter will be receiving donations which will go to students struggling over the holidays.

(Jack.org UNBSJ/Facebook)

Sponsor a Seawolf initiative

The “Sponsor a Seawolf” holiday initiatives encourages people to donate diverse items for isolated students and students that might be going through any struggle during the holiday season because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ashley MacLean, President of the Jack.org UNBSJ Chapter, commented that this is the first time they have collected donations for students.

(Jack.org UNBSJ/Facebook)

“With social distancing being a priority, we’ve been trying to brainstorm initiatives that are more geared towards helping others instead of advocacy participation,” says MacLean.

Donations and social distancing

Since Saint John is now in the orange level of public health restrictions, the members of Jack.org UNBSJ will receive donations by contactless pickup.

“We will drop off donations to students who live in Saint John at their doorstep, we will mail to any UNBSJ students who are out of travel distance, and we will drop off donations to the office on residence for students who live on campus,” MacLean said.

Students that feel they need any items and anyone who wishes to donate can contact the Jack.org UNBSJ Chapter by sending them a message through their Facebook page or Instagram page.

The students who are in need of donations will remain confidential.

Recommended donations

According to MacLean, aside from the list on Jack.org UNBSJ Chapter poster, she recommends possible donors to think of what a student would need.

“Anything that they find useful is guaranteed to be useful to another student,” MacLean said.

She also mentioned that they are flexible when it comes to student needs, and they will get any necessary supplies if they are requested.

(Jack.org UNBSJ/Facebook)

Donations will be received until December 10.

Sponsored students and confidentiality

MacLean comments that people do not need to be at rock bottom to receive help, so anyone who needs any item from the donations is encouraged to ask for it.

“We encourage students to reach out, no matter where they’re at in their struggle. Our team is made up of students and we understand how sometimes the little things can actually take the most weight off our shoulders,” MacLean said.

Contact Information

Aside from their Facebook and Instagram pages, students can ask questions by emailing jackdotorg.unbsj@gmail.com

