Baron Editor
This week, the SRC election is taking place. Here is your one-stop shop for all the information you need to know. Keep checking back as we will continue to update as voting week continues.
The Election
The Roles & Positions of the SRC
The Campaign Speeches of those Running for the SRC
The Advocacy Fee Referendum
What referendum?
What is NBSA & CASA and why should I care?
Who is Running?
President: Kenya Plut, Jenna Evans, Kjeld Conyers-Steede
VP External: Kyle Rogers
VP Student Affairs: Pape Seck, Mathieu Savidant*
Business Representative: Konnor Long
SASE Representative: Catherine Hall, Minji Kim*
Board of Governors: Kenya Plut, Jordan Tracey
Senate: Jayme Dixon
Member-at-Large: Jayme Dixon
*indicates they are seeking re-election for their current position.
When can I vote?
Voting takes place from Monday, February 27 at 8:00am through to Friday, March 3 at 5:00pm.
Where can I vote?
Voting takes place through the Voting tab on eservices. The Baron in association with the SRC will be setting up voting polls around campus. Stay following our Facebook and Instagram to see where you can vote and receive a swanky “I Voted” sticker.