SRC welcomes new International and Arts Representatives

Baron Editor


International Student Representative Adanna Ogunka (Photo: Adanna Ogunka)

Two candidates ran for this Fall term’s SRC election: Adanna Ogunka for International Representative and Harley Harrity for Arts Representative.

Ogunka, an international student from Nigeria, Africa, has been a student at UNBSJ for two years and hopes to provide a voice for international students.

“Over my time spent [at] UNB [Saint John], I [have found that] international students [do] not have a podium to speak from,” Ogunka told The Baron, “I feel I am eloquent enough to represent them and be an advocate to each [and every] one of them.”

Ogunka hopes to increase the diversity both of food and of music options during events, to make them more appealing for non-western students.

“People have hopes [for] music events with more variety, but their pleads [often] fall on deaf ears. I [wish] to improve the school and the [campus] experience [for international students].”

Arts Representative Harley Harrity (Photo: Harley Harrity)

Harrity also has an interest in advocacy, and wants to voice the concerns of Arts students at UNB Saint John.

“I [ran] for the Arts Representative position because I am very interested in the advocacy work that the SRC is involved with,” Harrity told The Baron, “as well as taking a position that allows me to represent my fellow students and let their voices and concerns be heard.”

“During my time as Arts Representative, I [hope] to be able to provide a voice for the Arts students, especially considering the fact that [often] the concerns of Arts students aren’t heard as much.”

Harrity plans on holding various events that will allow Arts students to meet with experts and professionals in their various fields, so that they will have opportunities to ask people in the workforce questions.

Both Ogunka and Harrity were voted into their desired positions, and are set to begin working for the SRC immediately. Out of the 2025 registered voters, 69 casted ballots, resulting in a 3.4% voter turnout.

