Baron Editor
Students looking to attend UNBSJ after the usual winter term will be facing a bit of a change this year. The regular spring and summer intersessions will be exchanged for a single summer term that will run from May through to August.
Though the change seems drastic at first glance, UNB assures students that they will not notice a large difference. Those panicking at the idea of having to attend school for an extra four months after already going from September to April can rest easy.
Students registered for classes during the term will not have to attend from May to August unless they are enrolled in a full-term course. Just as the spring and summer classes began at different times in years previous, the courses in this summer session will start and finish off according to their own schedules.
The only noticeable change will be how the classes taken show up on students’ transcripts. According to the website, any course taken over the duration of this session, whether it runs from May to June or July to August, will appear on the transcript as one term instead of the two different ones seen up until this year.
Though the change won’t be felt by many, the school says it benefits certain groups of students.
For full term courses like co-ops, internships and graduates, registration is now very simple; those wishing to enrol will no longer have to sign up for two separate sessions for the same class. UNB’s Newsroom assures that this change also “continues the flexibility of course offerings within the full summer term, providing the [same options given to us in the past].”
Students are encouraged to keep watching the UNB Timetable, as the list of courses available during the summer will be released shortly. Take a look at what you may want to take and begin planning; registration for summer term begins in March of this year.
For help choosing your classes or answering questions you may have, see your academic advisor.