The urgent need for blood donors across Canada

Mallory Herrington


According to Canadian Blood Services the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the lowest donor base in a decade.

Mallory Herrington/The Baron

Canada’s Need for Donors

Canadian Blood Services is currently struggling to replenish the national blood supply inventory. A message from Rick Prinzen, chief supply chain officer and vice-president of donor relations says

“The number of people across Canada who donate regularly has decreased by 31,000 donors since the start of the pandemic, which has put a strain on the existing donor community. Many of our regular donors already donate multiple times a year. We are grateful for the donors who have continued to support patients.”

The Influence of the Pandemic 

Canadian Blood Services has not been able to recruit many new donors due to the lack of in-person community events. For patients needs to be met, the organization explains they will need 100,000 new donors to join Canada’s Lifeline. The pandemic has also led to many appointment cancellations. Canada’s national blood supply inventory must be restored to pre-pandemic levels.

What Your Donation Can Do

According to statistics from Canadian Blood Services, 1 in 2 Canadians are eligible to donate but only 1 in 81 actually do. Eric Polo, a patient who had received over 200 blood transfusions by the age of 15 said that he is “… really thankful for what blood donors do, they keep me alive”. Learn more about Erics moving story here.

Cancer patients, trauma patients, mothers in childbirth and many others all rely on blood donations. 

How to Donate and Eligibility 

The nearest blood clinic is located at 405 University Avenue and is just a four minute drive from UNB. Additionally, it is an easy walk from campus. Their hours of operation are 2-8pm on Thursdays and 9am-3pm on Fridays. You can book an appointment by downloading the GiveBlood app, visiting or calling 1-888-2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283). Before donating, view the eligibility requirements here.

If you are able to consider donating blood, you could save a life.

