Isabelle Fleming
The start of school is an exciting time.
You are meeting up with friends again, moving back onto campus, shopping around for courses, and getting back to your extracurricular activities. Alas, there is one part of the back-to-university experience that is universally dreaded by students.
The time to pay your tuition. When tuition is paid, there are also additional fees included in your charge. One of these fees is the student technology fee. Many students are unaware of how this fee is spent, and UNB Saint John is conducting the annual student technology fee survey to gather student input on how the fee should be spent.
What is the technology fee?
The technology fee is $31.50 per semester as of the 2023/24 fee breakdown. The technology fee funds information technology projects here on campus. Many students have participated in and benefited from the technology projects. Some examples of projects that have been submitted through the survey in past years and funded by the technology fee are:
- Campus information displays
- Laptops for loan from the Commons
- Technology for the Student Accessibility Center
- Multimedia equipment for loan from the Commons
As you have probably guessed, the technology fee could be applied to a very wide range of projects. Essentially, any idea including technology and therefore, the possibilities for the use of this fee are virtually endless.
Have an idea for how the fee is spent?
As mentioned above, UNB Saint John is conducting a survey to gather input on how the money should be spent. Students, faculty, and staff are all welcome to submit their ideas via the following SharePoint site.
Along with your idea submission, UNB Saint John asks that you include the following information:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your affiliation (undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, staff)
The deadline to submit this information is Friday, October 20, 2023.