Welcome Class of 2013: A Message From Your Grad Class Co-ordinator

Baron Editor


For those entering their last year at UNBSJ, the anticipation of September may be a bit more sentimental than usual. It is hard to believe that four years ago, we too were just freshman participating in orientation, with no real understanding of what was in store.

In order to make your last year at UNBSJ a memorable one, the grad class executive will be working hard all year long to provide information and fun. We will be hosting grad class events on the 13th of every month. These events will include pub crawls, movie nights, potlucks and other great activities to try and create a cohesive group of graduates. Stay tuned for more information regarding some new exciting opportunities such as trips and a unique yearbook concept.

Our goal for the year is to ensure that all students graduating in the spring or fall have the opportunity to be involved as much as possible. By creating a sense of community, students can leave UNBSJ with pride and confidence while entering the next chapter of their lives.

The grad class executive is available to answer any questions that you may have regarding graduation, graduating leadership awards and the valedictorian process. As usual, we will be hosting the grad fair in November where you will receive a vast amount of information that you will find very useful for the year.

Be sure to check your E-News for detailed information regarding our first event on September 13. If you have any questions or suggestions on what you  would like to see your grad class do, please do not hesitate to contact Grad Class Co-ordinator Carly Schofield at carly.schofield@unb.ca. We are very open to ideas to ensure your last year is a great one!

