Students’ Representative Council Elections: Marion Westgate running for vice president student affairs and Senate

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Year/Program: Fourth year, Bachelor of Arts/Education with a Certificate to teach ESL

This past year I held the position of social representative on the SRC. I have also had an active role in the Student Life and Service Committee and the Social Committee in planning events and bringing up student issues to council. I have spent four years as a member of UNBSJ Christian Fellowship group and two years as an executive member. I have volunteered with Promise Partnership and Best Buddies. I have also volunteered with both Orientations on campus for both international and first year students. I want to be the voice for students at UNBSJ and bring new experience to create a more active student body. I will deal with various student issues including locker management on campus. I believe I can make a difference to our school. CS Lewis, most famous for the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was a story I enjoyed as a child. I associate with his writing especially the character Lucy who was never afraid to believe.

Emily is in her fourth year of Political Science. She loves studying and academics which follows into her research work. She's a stern black coffee drinker and is a proud Acadienne. When she's not working or doing school work, you can find Emily listening to 70s music on vinyl and watching Parks and Recreation. If you ask her about parliamentary institutions, she won't stop talking.