Be yourself
Makeup here, hair there
Welcome to the world of impression
Sometimes you need to look beyond your looks
Be yourself
All those cakes are not going to satisfy everyone’s taste
Perfect cannot be achieved
Be yourself
If makeup is your thing then great
Don’t use it as a costume to hide since...
We once were free now the transition has come
Unfamiliar, strange, Fresh
It’s the time to be the person you want to be
Step out of your comfort zone
Jump into the water which is university
Testing the waters is a must
Whether it’s your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year
The haunting of lateness
Sometimes do you ever feel like
Time is going too fast
You can’t catch up even if you try hard
Your best is only good enough for some people
Deadlines fall behind, stress enters in like a bad dream enters a child at night
You feel like you are...
My brain is about to explode
Have you ever tried to stuff a crazy amount
of marshmallows in your mouth all at once?
That’s how my mind is working right now
Life, family, school, and what I would call "other" are jam packed into my mind
I’ve been told to breathe, you got this...
When life doesn’t go your way!
You see the hill
It’s too far
It’s too high
You start walking
You slip
Crash into a rock
Skin your knee
Hair ripped out of places
You fall and you can’t get up
Well that’s life
Sometimes it doesn’t go your way!
I am woman, hear me roar!
I am a woman
I am strong
I can bite back if you threaten me
I can move mountains with just a glair
I can do so many things
I am adaptive
My power is contagious
My laugh can heal a wound
We are stronger together
We have a voice
We have heart
Nothing can...
My name is not…
My name is strong
My name is powerful
My name is special
My names meaning is important
My name should be used instead of a nickname
My name is unique
My name is something that deserves to be said
My name is culture
My name was given by special people in my...
They call us savages
They say we are only here to work
Make babies and do what we are told
Don’t speak
Don’t have an opinion
Work harder
Work harder
Worker harder!
In my mind
I am working harder
I’m tired
I’m Tired
My opinion even inside my own brain
Doesn’t matter!
Keeping working
Keeping working
Maybe if...
What does being black mean to me?
Being black means being part of a stronger community that is outside of myself
Being black means power on all fronts
Being black means watching your surroundings closely especially in public
Being Black means my dark skin is beautiful
Being Black means not just jumping over hurdles but...
We are not petting zoos
People think that they can just come up to us and
Touch our hair because it’s different
Black peoples hair is important
It let us out of slavery
It created a bond between mother and daughter
Barber and black men unite
Made us a stronger people
Wig, braids, cornrows, natural, straightened