Leaky Pipes

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Students walking through the tunnel system beneath the Ward Chipman Library may have noticed a syrupy yellow substance sleazing its way out of the ceiling tiles above the Promise Partnership office.

“Facilities management reported that they are aware of the water issue…This has been an ongoing issue where water runoff from heavy rains results in water [seeping] through the concrete” says financial  and administrative assistant, Sue Allen.

This issue is not managed solely by the financial sector. The facilities management crew is on the job fixing these things every day. Students passively stroll by without second thought, but it is these individuals who maintain our campus. One would expect that facilities management would try to clarify the issue, but building operations manager, John Furlong refrained. Unfortunately, with this being the start to the year, no one was available to comment on exactly why the supposed water leak is goopy and yellow. No one could say exactly how long this issue has existed.

“I think if there’s a problem it should be fixed, considering how much we pay to be in these buildings,” says Editor of “Vox,” Blake Ferris.

Money does come into question. The construction of the Hans Klohn Commons is estimated to be around $25 million.

“Before UNB continues to add to the campus, they should consider proper maintenance of what they already have. It’s great having the Commons, the renovated Ganong Hall Lecture Theatre etc., but I shouldn’t have to worry about breaking my neck walking to class,” says arts student, Jenna Albert.

Of course the ones who seem directly affected are those in the Promise Partnership offices. The leak is just outside their door.

“I never noticed [the] water stains and am not overly concerned about it,” says Promise Partnership’s Joleen Searle.

This establishes the general consensus on campus, students are used to unfinished jobs on campus, they walk past the asbestos doors and the Ward Chipman Library every day.

“…It really could be something that doesn’t need immediate attention,” says Ferris.

Perhaps it is of no danger to students and maintenance staffers are maintaining the issue, but there is a difference between small repairs and big fixes.

“It is monitored and repaired as appropriate,” says Allen.


Emily is in her fourth year of Political Science. She loves studying and academics which follows into her research work. She's a stern black coffee drinker and is a proud Acadienne. When she's not working or doing school work, you can find Emily listening to 70s music on vinyl and watching Parks and Recreation. If you ask her about parliamentary institutions, she won't stop talking.