I’d Watch The Day Til It Died – Review

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Little You, Little Me are set to release a new album next month entitled, “I’d Watch The Day Til It Died”.  This is the Saint John based foursome’s second full length album and does not disappoint.

The soon to be new release opens with the line “here’s what life is like under a dictatorship”, leading to an expectation of a certain amount of discontent with the current state of affairs in society. The lyrics live up to this expectation, with something reminiscent of the Desaparecidos and hints of Fugazi or maybe Cursive.

The band exhibits a deft mix of angst, camaraderie and gang vocals throughout the album. I’d Watch The Day Til it Died makes you want to turn up the volume and move.

When asked what experiences were influential while writing for this album, guitarist Gavin Downes says,

“this record is about our lives” and “trying to justify making art to ourselves, to the people in our lives, and trying to figure out how we can make our lives how we want them to be in the face of social pressure, facing apathy and isolating some of the people we care about”.

He goes on to say that they, as with many artists, face “social pressure to not pursue how we want to live/make with our lives that comes from those around warning us against that kind of pursuit. There are many reasons why someone would have to give up on something they care about but we are not facing those”.

Little You, Little Me’s latest album is perhaps a little more polished than their previous work, but has not lost their relatable indignant vibe in the process, managing to produce a cohesive and very identifiable sound. Some of the changes in their sound can be attributed to the band’s new drummer Michael Milburn.

Downes says, “(it) has changed the way (they) write significantly, because Michael comes from mostly a post hardcore background,” which focuses more on technicality and precision.

The band’s unique combination of punk with pop, country and other heavier genres, always draws a crowd at their live shows, recently playing festivals, the Halifax Pop Explosion and Sappyfest.

Their previous albums are available on Bandcamp, and a few great tracks to check out if are, “You Shouldn’t Be Alone At Night” or “Hard To Find” and highlights from the new album include “Racket in my Brain”, “Fuckushima” and “Greed”.

Little You, Little Me is a local Saint John band made up of Corey Bonnevie, Geoff Smith, Gavin Downes and drummer Michael Milburn.

“I’d Watch The Day Til It Died” will be released in hard copy on December 4 at Peppers Pub with a live show, however digital copies are available now through Spotify and iTunes.

Emily is in her fourth year of Political Science. She loves studying and academics which follows into her research work. She's a stern black coffee drinker and is a proud Acadienne. When she's not working or doing school work, you can find Emily listening to 70s music on vinyl and watching Parks and Recreation. If you ask her about parliamentary institutions, she won't stop talking.