Thursday, May 2, 2024

What to do when “friends” post embarrassing photos online

One of my ‘friends’ just posted a picture online of me spooning a tree – it’s so embarrassing!! What do I do? There are two issues here: one is that your online presence just got a little more weird and the other is that your...

Ask the librarian anything: I probably don’t know the answer … but I know how to find it.

Hubert: I had dinner over the holidays with my family and my brother-in-law kept making fun of me, and it was really getting on my nerves. He can be such a jerk. The worst part about it was that I didn’t know how to...

UNBSJ around the world: An international student’s perspective

Yitong Guo, or “Susan” as you may come to know her during her stay here in Saint John, is a 17-year-old language student from Haribin, a city in Northeast China. Susan fell in love with Canada after travelling to Victoria, BC in February of 2012...

Artist Spotlight: Harry Manx

Often touring in the maritime region, but currently residing in BC, Harry Manx is a talented performer and poet. Fusing a melancholic combination of blues and folk with his scruffy vocals, he delivers a very beautiful package. Manx was born on The Isle of Man...

Boosting confidence in the buff

With the holiday season comes the inevitable “winter weight.” All of the Christmas treats were great at the time, but they leave many of us feeling less confident and unattractive. Here are a few tips to optimising your best features, boosting your confidence and looking...

Boost your healthy-eating habits for 2013: A hot bowl of healthy soup to warm your bones

Winter can be brutal in terms of watching the waistline. The holidays arrive, Starbucks brings out their winter specialty drinks, turkey dinner comes and sweets seem to be present at every gathering. With all of these temptations around, it can be hard not to indulge,...

Sticking to your New Year’s resolution: Tips and tricks to stay motivated

January is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It provides a time to finally set goals and conquer the battles that have been weighing you down. According to Scranton University, 39 per cent of those in their twenties achieve their New Year’s resolutions...

The top five albums you should have listened to from 2012

Make no mistake; this is by no means a best of 2012 list. A lot of music came out and saying that there was a single album that stands above the rest is just a recipe for disaster, especially when considering how subjective music actually...

Top five games I want to play in 2013: A look at what’s up and coming

This year has the potential to be one of the best years for gaming since 2007. A quick glance through the list of upcoming games for 2013 reveals several promising new additions to beloved series. The ones that I am most interested in are: Grand...

Winter activities: how to have fun in sub-zero Saint John

How do you solve a problem like Saint John in the wintertime? It is cold and barren outside, you are seriously low on vitamin D and it seems that there is nothing to do. To help you deal with the boring winter months, here are...