Wednesday, May 8, 2024

OPINION: Why do some stories get covered while others don’t?

With so much happening all over the world, how does the media pick which stories to cover? How come some small things get so much coverage, while other, larger issues are seemingly ignored? One media theory proposes eight different factors that influence a story’s...

OPINION: We are giving up too much privacy

Privacy in a digital age is a discussion that seems to have no end. How much information do big companies and social media networks have on us? How much is too much? How much should we be willing to give up?   I would argue we...

OPINION: The echo chamber is a problem we’re not paying enough attention to

The Echo Chamber is a media theory that describes a situation where the only opinions someone hears are ones that they agree with. Over time, these opinions tend to become more and more extreme. This can lead to greater polarization in society as people who mostly only hear opinions they agree with...

OPINION: Dr. Phil is an entertainment show, not a counselling show

I hardly ever watch television, but a while ago I turned on the TV just to see what was on and found myself watching an episode of Dr. Phil. I found that while the show advertises itself as being a counselling session that gets...

OPINION: Disney’s movie remakes are lazy cash-grabs

Disney seems to love doing remakes recently. Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Aladdin, and Dumbo are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Not to mention there’s a Mulan remake coming out soon and according to...

OPINION: An assessment of Higgs leadership during the COVID crisis

Blaine Higgs won the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party at an old age and became the premier of New Brunswick at an old age as well. Like Mr. Higgs, I myself have changed - in this case, my assessment of the man and...

OPINION: Reading as an antidepressant

Reading books causes very different reactions in people. Books can have negative or positive side effects. Politically speaking, books are the most influential actors in human history: they have created religions, nations, and ideologies. The books of Marx and Engels alone are responsible for...

OPINION: The news cycle exaggerates their stories

For those who are not aware, most news organizations need to fund themselves and do so by selling ad space. Of course, companies are only interested in buying ad space if they think people will see the ad. News networks, therefore, have an interest...

Tips on how to succeed in online classes

Switching to an online university format will be a unique experience for most of us, staff and students alike. Knowing many students who have purposely avoided online courses throughout their time at UNB, we thought there might be many students feeling uncertain about how...

The many health benefits of classical music

While today many music lovers tend to favour a heavy bass and loud drums in their music, there are many benefits of listening to classical music. In fact, it can have several helpful effects such as improving memory, physical health, productivity, and even mood,...