Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Weimar World

It's often said that history repeats itself. More accurately, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It's one of the most common aphorisms in the world. It's a phrase we're all so familiar with and yet no one ever...

The ads you don’t even know you’re watching

Have you ever seen one of those tweets from Wendy’s? You know the ones, the “savage roasts” and such? You might also know that there are a lot of fast-food chains and other large companies that are now making tweets in the first person, as...

The many health benefits of classical music

While today many music lovers tend to favour a heavy bass and loud drums in their music, there are many benefits of listening to classical music. In fact, it can have several helpful effects such as improving memory, physical health, productivity, and even mood,...

Opinion: Do film and television help or hurt the stigma surrounding mental health?

With Bell Let’s Talk taking place this Wednesday (January 25), many have pledged to help eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness. Yet, how is eliminating this stigma possible when people struggling with mental illness are constantly villainized in television and in films? Take Fox’s hit...

OPINION: ‘You people’ are wrong about Don Cherry and Jess Allen

All at once, on Remembrance Day of all days, Canada seemed to forget that we have larger issues, like access to clean drinking water, poverty and homelessness, and the global climate crisis. Instead, many rallied together to fight over a less important issue: comments...

OPINION: Disney’s movie remakes are lazy cash-grabs

Disney seems to love doing remakes recently. Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Aladdin, and Dumbo are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Not to mention there’s a Mulan remake coming out soon and according to...

OPINION: Why do some stories get covered while others don’t?

With so much happening all over the world, how does the media pick which stories to cover? How come some small things get so much coverage, while other, larger issues are seemingly ignored? One media theory proposes eight different factors that influence a story’s...

OPINION: Dr. Phil is an entertainment show, not a counselling show

I hardly ever watch television, but a while ago I turned on the TV just to see what was on and found myself watching an episode of Dr. Phil. I found that while the show advertises itself as being a counselling session that gets...

Op Ed: New Class Who ‘Dis? Effects of syllabus and instructor changes on course evaluation

The following piece was submitted by Dino Tremblay, a fourth-year Honours psychology student at UNB Saint John. Any inquiries into the contents of this article or his study can be directed to him through email. The Baron reached out to the head of the Psychology...

Does inclusion work?

Inclusion is a debatable topic among the media as it has received mixed reviews. Recently, the Minister of Education Dominic Cardy has been travelling throughout New Brunswick to get feedback from educators and the public on how to improve the public education system. The...