Sunday, May 5, 2024

The haunting of lateness

Sometimes do you ever feel like  Time is going too fast  You can’t catch up even if you try hard Your best is only good enough for some people  Deadlines fall behind, stress enters in like a bad dream enters a child at night  You feel like you are...

The Clouds

Life likes to throw so many curveballs and if you are standing in a certain spot, you are going to get hit hard. Think about your time in your life too, we waste it on worrying, stressing, and stretching ourselves to the point when...

Night & Darkness

While the night beckons me to her breast, I push myself into it and suck thick darkness into me. Fill the body with void, conduit numbness, paralyzed thoughts,  shed color, & embrace silence. Still the vestiges of light were waving around my corner. I cut my ears, pluck my eyes, stitch my mouth and...

One Last Leaf

Fall; the most ravishing season of all time, how mischievously she often knocks on the door. For the man who dreamed of tan over his body, she gives the best dressing, maybe over his wounds. As the dim green blood drains from my body, I see blood clots all over, freezing my...

When life doesn’t go your way! 

You see the hill It’s too far It’s too high You start walking You slip Fall Fall  Fall Mudslide  Crash into a rock Skin your knee Hair ripped out of places You fall and you can’t get up  Well that’s life Sometimes it doesn’t go your way! 

Lorenzo Society brings back Indigenous Film Festival Fall 2022

The film festival will present six films on campus leading up to the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. The festival will take place from September 27 to 29, all films will start at 7 p.m. and will be shown on campus in the Ganong...

Dear older generations

We, younger people are trying to fix your mistakes yet you disregard us, cough in our faces and say "well sorry you are sick but there’s nothing I can do about it".  It worries us that our lives are being negatively affected and nobody...


It's been 1031 days since I've been away from my home. Some of us have lost count and moved on,  some of us too busy living and forgot to count,  and some with a disoriented self,  tormented by the constant mutation the mind undergoes,  stood puzzled, not knowing what...

How the features of the Industrial Revolution gave rise to mass society, mass media, and mass culture

The Industrial Revolution was a period of technological innovation that swept over Europe and North America in 1750.  It was characterized by more efficient means of production.  Though this period mainly affected manufacturing processes, it also had massive cultural and societal implications.  People stopped working...

Movie Review: Kate (2021)

“To sum up in few words, Kate shoots in a Full throttle action sequence, mesmerizing screen color experience and a cliché action movie.”