Friday, May 3, 2024

Vince’s top five most memorable interactions with the undead

There are many great moments in gaming that players remember vividly and discuss often. Many of these involve some unnatural, undead foe. These are just a few of my favourites, ordered by how well they claimed their place in my memory. 1. (Half-Life 2) Ravenholm Chapter...

Titanic, Myth, and Memory

Students, professors and administration of UNB Saint John filled into Oland Hall for the W.C. Desmond Pacey Memorial Lecture on March 18. William Cyril Desmond Pacey was a renowned scholar, teacher, writer and advocate of the arts. Desmond Pacey maintained various professional and administrative positions...

Campus to the Tune of Lackluster Holiday Lull

I suppose walking through these halls I’m not shocked by their emptiness. I follow the outstretched corridors, peering in through meshed security-glass to vacant spaces void of their usual hustle-bustle, noting florescent tubes aglow for no one in particular. The odd grad-student ambles to the...

Taken 2 – Taken, in Istanbul

"I have a very particular set of skills..." you may have heard this chilling quote countless times from the surprise sleeper hit, Taken. Taken surprised viewers and critics alike when it became a smash hit at the box office in 2008, revitalizing Liam Neeson’s career...

Tonella and The Strain live at Pepper’s Pub

Appearing live on Jan. 18 at Pepper’s was both Tonella, based out of Fredericton, and The Strain hailing all the way from Quebec. I was a little disappointed to see a small turnout at Pepper’s because both of these bands gave quite the performance. The...

Steam’s Big Picture: A fatal blow to console gaming?

Steam has finally dipped its hands into the console market. This could potentially spell doom for the modern console concept. I don’t think it will, but I do think it will cause many changes in the gaming industry. Steam, the digital distribution platform, developed by...

Faces of UNBSJ: A glimpse into the life of . . .

As university students, we have grown accustomed to seeing the same peers and professors day in and day out, getting to know them on an educational and personal level. But what about the other members of our little community who make our lives run...

Sticking to your New Year’s resolution: Tips and tricks to stay motivated

January is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It provides a time to finally set goals and conquer the battles that have been weighing you down. According to Scranton University, 39 per cent of those in their twenties achieve their New Year’s resolutions...

Christmas Music for the Not so Christmas Musically Inclined

It’s Christmastime whether you like or not. Stores have begun decorating, parades have been filling the streets, and music is in the air. Horrible music. Obnoxiously cheery and boring music. Who wants that? People who haven’t heard of my top five Christmas albums of...

Clubs and Societies week starts at UNB Saint John

Throughout the week of September 13 to 17, the clubs and societies of UNB Saint John will be in the quad between 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.  Clubs in the quad Members of the clubs and societies will be at various tables during that time frame...