Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fog Lit Festival 2015

This year’s installment of the Fog Lit festival kicked last night with the Character Workshop hosted by Marina Endicott at the Saint John Free Public Library. The 2015 festival lineup features a weekend of creative writing inspired events happening daily with a number of special...

UNB Saint John conducts annual Student Technology Fee survey

The start of school is an exciting time. You are meeting up with friends again, moving back onto campus, shopping around for courses, and getting back to your extracurricular activities. Alas, there is one part of the back-to-university experience that is universally dreaded by students....

Getting to know your SRC: Carly Schofield

Every student has a set of priorities and between essays, exams and the everyday struggle to survive these obstacles, there are the few who expand their load in an effort to represent student interests. The executive officers of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) coordinate...

UNB Saint John Reacts to the American Election

**Please note, an earlier version of this article misspelled the President elect's last name due to a coding error in the browser used. This was not our intention.**   No matter what conspiracies and loopholes you may have read about on your Facebook news feeds, Donald...

UNB changes on-campus mask policy in response to outbreak

In response to the rise of COVID- 19 cases in New Brunswick, new cautionary measures have been put in place. Anyone on campus must now wear a mask at all times, indoors and outdoors, for the next two weeks, at a minimum. Masks can be removed...

COVID-19 vaccine clinic on October 7

UNB Saint John is hosting another COVID-19 vaccination clinic this week. New vaccination clinic date After the last vaccination clinic on September 23, UNBSJ and the UNB Student Health Centre will be providing vaccines against COVID-19 on Thursday, October 7. The vaccination clinic will be open from...

Saint John Regional YMCA Opens

Following a year of construction, 9 million dollars of community support, and 10 million dollars of government support, the new YMCA recently opened its doors on Churchill Boulevard and will host its grand opening on October 24. This new facility includes multiple opportunities for students...

Some students not sure what to do for Remembrance Day

When we asked students about their Remembrance Day plans, many said that they are not sure what they should be doing to commemorate this memorial day. If you aren't sure how to take part, we've got you covered. Remembrance Day is a time to express...

New Credit Card Surcharges in Canada 

A settlement was reached in a long-standing lawsuit between Visa, Mastercard and Canadian businesses earlier this year. the agreement states that Canadian businesses are now able to charge customers an interchange fee when they use credit to shop.  The agreement states that Canadian businesses...

Chroma New Brunswick to host 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive allyship workshops

Chroma NB is a community organization that works on advocating for the 2SLGBTQIA+ people of the Saint John area. They work to promote initiatives and highlight problems faced by the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Moreover, Chroma NB seeks to address the queer community’s needs. What are their...