Monday, May 6, 2024

**SPOOF** Irving to Purchase The Baron Student Press

UNB Saint John’s independent student press is about to become slightly more dependant. Earlier this morning it was announced that Irving is set to buy out The Baron in a deal reportedly worth between 20 and 30 dollars. Mr. Irving, who is heading the deal, said...

Voter Turnout Disappointing

The results for the most recent SRC elections were posted earlier this week and, if you were like me, you were probably scanning to see if the candidates you voted for won. However, if you are like me, you read the whole results page for...

Fighting COVID fatigue on campus

As a new academic year dawns, one thing will remain the same: masking on campus. Although, while looking around campus, you may be unaware that UNB will maintain the mask policy throughout this academic year. It seems, however, that the enforcement of the policy so...

Op-Ed: Is private healthcare the solution?

On November 7, 2022, the New Brunswick Health Coalition organised a rally in front of Health Minister Bruce Fitch’s office to oppose the proposal of more privatised healthcare by Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs. Higgs Announcement  This came from Higgs announcement on October 24 where the...

Op-Ed: A reflection on living abroad

The following article was submitted in partnership with the COM X program which gives students in Communications Studies the opportunity to work as an intern at The Baron. According to Statistics Canada, there is approximately 3 - 5.5 million Canadians living abroad at any given...

Op-Ed: A conversation about Bell Let’s Talk Day

Bell Let’s Talk Day has once again come and passed, and while the original mental health initiative was started in September 2010, the campaign was launched by Bell as a mental health initiative; 13 years later, does this hashtag still hold value or has corporate advertising overshadowed...

Op-Ed: Importing flavour – The growth of Toronto’s food scene in Saint John

Saint John’s food scene has been traditionally dominated by a handful of familiar chains and family businesses. With an increase in population, the market is changing to accommodate our city’s new faces. So, what do the owners of one of the new chains here in...

Op-Ed: What Martin Luther King Jr. day means to me

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”-Martin Luther King Jr. January 16 is a day that we not only remember a brave man, but we...

OP-ED: “Protect our kids” from what, exactly?

The following Op-Ed was submitted anonymously.  Since the implementation of the governmental changes surrounding an educational policy, protests and demonstrations of support have occurred all over New Brunswick as people give input on a policy that, before now, was never really publicly acknowledged.  Since the education...

OP-ED: Misinformation on social media and how to avoid it

Social media has greatly changed the way in which information is spread. Many social media platforms thrive off of the spread of false information since it causes people to interact with their respective apps, which is important to keep in mind when scrolling through...