Sunday, May 12, 2024

OPINION: ‘You people’ are wrong about Don Cherry and Jess Allen

All at once, on Remembrance Day of all days, Canada seemed to forget that we have larger issues, like access to clean drinking water, poverty and homelessness, and the global climate crisis. Instead, many rallied together to fight over a less important issue: comments...

OPINION: We should not be keeping animals in captivity

Let’s all take a moment to think about how we would feel if we were taken out of our homes and put inside a cage with just enough space for us to stretch our legs or walk five steps. That doesn’t sound very appealing, does it? If...

How to find hope when all is lost

Let's cut to the point, no beating around the bush: depression is f*cking difficult and sometimes it feels like there is no hope. All of this talk about reducing the stigma, creating awareness, increasing access to resources, is incredible. It is promoting a more accepting...

We need free education, but not for the reasons you’d think.

In 1744, the year of his death, the Italian philosopher and rhetorician Giambattista Vico published the final edition to his magnum opus The New Science - one that greatly elaborated his thoughts on history, political philosophy, epistemology, and his revolutionary insight into the “Homer”...

Hamilton: UNBF Controversy Reveals Campus Speech issues

On Tuesday, January 16th the Brunswickan reported the findings of the above posters around the UNB Fredericton campus. The posters which first appeared to be distributed anonymously were credited to the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party (NSCLRP) after an email was sent to...

Weimar World

It's often said that history repeats itself. More accurately, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It's one of the most common aphorisms in the world. It's a phrase we're all so familiar with and yet no one ever...

The Fate of Religious Freedom

The lamently forgotten historian Lord Acton once said, referring to Oliver Cromwell, “There is not a more perilous or immoral habit of mind than the sanctifying of success.” Such an occurrence has happened in Canada of late. Justin Trudeau, having gained power, has gained with...

Why I No Longer Support Proportional Representation

Anyone who has done me the honour of reading my previous articles in support of proportional representation (hereafter referred to as PR) may be shocked to learn I no longer support that form of electoral system. Having spent the past summer exploring this and other...

The Toronto Raptors: is there still hope?

After all of the wild action of the NBA trading season, you, like me, are most likely wondering what the Toronto Raptors’ chances are of making it to the Eastern Conference Finals in this coming season. Most are arguing that their chances aren’t all that...

A Tale of Two Nations: Social Progressives and Reserve Corruption (opinion)

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting  different results.” – Albert Einstein. Three years after the Harper government passed the First Nations Transparency Act into law, an act aimed at forcing Band Councils to account for every penny spent under their...